Grammarly vs WhiteSmoke - Which Writing Tool is Best for Non-Native Speakers

August 25, 2021

Writing in a language that is not your native language can be challenging, especially when you are trying to communicate effectively. Fortunately, there are tools available that can help you improve the quality of your writing. In this post, we will compare two popular writing tools, Grammarly and WhiteSmoke, to help you determine which tool is best for non-native speakers.


Grammarly is one of the most popular writing tools available today. It is a comprehensive writing assistant that checks your grammar, punctuation, and spelling, as well as your writing style. It also provides suggestions for sentence structure and word choice.

Grammarly has both a free and a paid version. The free version checks basic spelling and grammar errors, while the paid version provides more advanced suggestions, such as checking for clarity and conciseness.


WhiteSmoke is another popular writing tool that is designed to improve the quality of your writing. It checks your spelling, grammar, punctuation, and style, and provides suggestions for improvement.

WhiteSmoke also has a free and a paid version. The free version checks basic errors, while the paid version provides more advanced suggestions.


When comparing Grammarly and WhiteSmoke, there are a few key factors to consider:


Both Grammarly and WhiteSmoke have excellent accuracy when it comes to checking for errors. However, Grammarly is slightly more accurate overall, especially when it comes to checking for style and tone.

User Interface

Both tools have a user-friendly interface. However, Grammarly is generally considered to be more user-friendly, with a cleaner layout and more intuitive design.


Both tools offer similar features, such as grammar and spell-checking. However, Grammarly offers a few additional features that are not available in WhiteSmoke, such as an AI-powered writing assistant and a plagiarism checker.


In terms of cost, both tools offer a free version, but the paid versions of Grammarly are generally more expensive than the paid versions of WhiteSmoke.


After comparing Grammarly and WhiteSmoke, we recommend that non-native speakers use Grammarly. While both tools are excellent at checking for errors, Grammarly is slightly more accurate and user-friendly. Additionally, the additional features offered by Grammarly, such as the AI-powered writing assistant, make it a worthwhile investment for anyone looking to improve their writing skills.


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